All girls want to look pretty and hot. some wants to look prettier and hotter. the choices are either get a Botox or plastic surgery. am i against it? absolutely not, as long as its done right and not over doing it. one or two cosmetic surgery is reasonable. maybe u have bad pig nose.. or chicken lips.. so yea, cant blame u for wanting to change that unappealing features of yours. LOL. or if you are a smoker or an older person, get a Botox; it will make you facial muscle more relax and bright. so if your boyfriend or husband been bitching about you wanting to get a botox or a cosmetic surgery.. don't mind him. he is been jacking off those celebrities who had 10 or more surgeries anyway.. what right does he have to not let u look and feel better about yourself?! right?! :-D
here are pics of two extreme plastic surgery that these chic done..
Megan Fox - Lip filler, Eyebrow lift, cheek bone, nose, Botox. basically everything on the face.LOL |
Heidy Montag - same thing.. EVERYTHING! |
so go on... don't feel bad.. make yourself look better!
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