when you are getting personal everyday in every way, you get what life is all about - putting more motion in your emotions, more hip in your relationships, and more actions in your interactions. but to get personal, you gotta give personal. that means reaching out and touching people with your funny bone, your smarts, your quirky self and your weird sense of smile. but dont try touch them with your hand.. thats cheap!
getting personal is not always getting intimate or getting naked, its about getting real. real bold, real daring, real irrelevant, real fun. u can say and do the unexpexted.
you can play it for laughs, you can play it for keeps. you can make amends or make trouble. you can melt away someone's emotional firewall with your charm and charisma, or just get stranger to crack a smile.
just say adios to those boring insecurities, fears, and relationships worries that have been clogging your brain - then visualize beautiful,freaky you as the source of world peace! :-D remember.. you're only as hot as you think you are.
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