1. You tilt your ball cap up, so that it's barely hooked onto your head.
2. Your Facebook profile includes "Women" under your "Interests" or "Activities." This makes you a complete idiot. It also says that you have never really been, nor will you ever be laid.
3. Your pants look like they're made for someone who weighs 300 pounds, and you weigh 160.Did you think you'd look hardcore? Let me tell you, there is nothing threatening about you. If you attacked me, I'd just run away, leaving you tripping over your own jeans.
4. You take pictures of yourself in the mirror without your shirt on, with your cell phone visibly in the picture.
5. You think skinny jeans are a good look for you. Skinny jeans make fat men look even larger. Skinny jeans make skinny guys look like a toothpick. so dont wear it unless u are the RIGHT size for it.
6. You brag about the amount of numbers you've been getting lately. Damn, nothing makes me want to jump on a guy more than when he tells me about all the drunken sorostitues he's been able to fool into submission. It's just such a turn on to know I'd be number 8000. I'm so honored.
7. You cut your hair like you just tried out for a melodramatic, eyeliner-wearing, wrist-cutting, sub-par musical group. You basically look like you let your 5-year-old sister maim your hair.
8. You drive your car with your seat leaned back so far your forehead is lower than the wheel.
you're thinking, "damn, im one of the above!!" ? well now u know. fix it before its too late boys =P